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  • Writer's pictureFrancesco Holistic

Can Acupuncture Treat Period Pain?

For those who menstruate, period pain can be debilitating. From cramps to emotional swings and gastrointestinal symptoms, a painful period can significantly affect daily life, especially when coupled with conditions such as endometriosis or Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

However, there is hope… as acupuncture can help relieve period pain! This alternative medicine can provide you with pain relief, as well as reduce the intensity of future periods.

My name is Francesco, and I’m a Registered Massage Therapist and Acupuncturist. I specialize in holistic pain relief and am here to help you on your health journey. If you or someone you know struggles with period pain, then you’re in the right place.

Keep reading to learn more about how acupuncture can help with period cramp relief and other recommendations for treating period pain at home.

An African American woman lays on couch pillows holding her stomach, in pain from period/stomach cramps.

Can Acupuncture Treat Period Pain? 

While everybody is different, there is evidence to suggest that acupuncture is an effective treatment for dysmenorrhea (aka period pain). 

Dysmenorrhea can include any of the following symptoms:

  • Painful/severe cramps

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Dizziness

There are two types of dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is when there is recurring severe pain every period, but it’s not due to another medical condition. Secondary dysmenorrhea is classified as severe period pain due to an infection or illness of the reproductive organs, like PCOS. 

Acupuncture Can Help Period Pain & Other Gynecological Symptoms

  • Endometriosis

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • Heavy/irregular periods

  • Period pain & related symptoms

  • PCOS

A young Asian woman sits on a couch and grimaces in pain. She holds a hot water bottle against her stomach.

Acupuncture can treat a wide variety of conditions

How Can Acupuncture Treat Period Pain?

Rather than treating just the symptoms, like pain-relief medications, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such as Acupuncture, treats the source AND the symptoms. Acupuncture treatments improve circulation, balance hormones, and relieve pain. 

There have been successful studies conducted on the use of acupuncture in reducing primary dysmenorrhea symptoms in women, showing that manual acupuncture can significantly reduce menstrual pain. 

Medical News Today published an article about acupuncture for period pain following the findings of Dr. Mike Armour of the National Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM) at Western Sydney University. Their study found that the 74 women in the study reported significant decreases in period pain and that the more frequent the acupuncture treatments were, the better the results!

When Should You Undergo Acupuncture Treatments?

The choice is yours! It is perfectly safe to undergo treatment during your menstrual cycle, and many women have achieved pain relief from acupuncture when receiving treatments during their period. Likewise, you can also benefit from undergoing acupuncture treatments before your menses begin. 

An acupuncture practitioner places acupuncture needles into the back of a female patient.

The research does say, though, that regular treatments are best. Receiving regular acupuncture treatments, at least in the beginning, can help regulate your hormones and lead to fewer painful periods in the future. 

When you are ready to start treatment, choose a registered and certified Acupuncturist for the best (and safest) results. Certified Acupuncturists, like myself, are trained in proper needle manipulation and how to safely use correct acupuncture points.

Alternative Methods for Period Cramp Relief

I get it. Life can be busy, pain can be debilitating, and sometimes you need instant pain relief on the go. Read below for some natural methods to try at home for those days when period pain is severe. 

#1 - Heat

Heat has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Research has shown that heat, like heating pads, can help reduce period cramps. If you also struggle with muscle aches in your back and abdomen during your period, a warm-to-hot bath can help soothe and relax your muscles. 

A woman sits on a couch and holds a hot pack against her stomach to combat period pain.

#2 - Self-Massage With Essential Oils

Massaging oils into the abdomen can provide some pain relief. I recommend adding the oil of your choice to a carrier oil (like almond, jojoba, coconut, etc.) and massaging it into the affected area. Some great oils to consider are peppermint, lavender or cinnamon. There are also roll-on essential oil blends available, like the Period Roll-on from Saje Wellness or the Cloud-9 Cramp Oil from Blume.

#3 - Supplements & Teas

Many swear by herbal teas for period cramps, like raspberry leaf, ginger, and green tea. While more research is needed on teas for menstrual pain relief, magnesium supplements are tested and recommended by many doctors, including Dr. Lara Briden. Dr. Briden is a naturopathic doctor with over 20 years of clinical experience and the author of the Period Repair Manual. She reports that magnesium not only helps prevent menstrual pain but can relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), perimenopause, and menopause. 

#4 - Light Movement & Exercise

Doing heavy HIIT workouts and pushing your body can make your cramps feel worse. Conversely, light movement and aerobic exercise may help with pain relief! (As this study explains, think yoga stretches, a walk on your lunch break, or a quick bike ride.) 

A yoga class in a sunny room, with the focus on a Caucasian woman stretching in a burgundy shirt.

#5 - Eat Right & Hydrate

While period cravings are very real, some of these foods can make period cramps feel worse. Salty or fatty foods, alcohol and caffeine can increase water retention, bloating and discomfort. Drink more water and try to keep a balanced diet while menstruating. 

Do You Need Period Cramp Relief?

I’m here to help. I’m a certified Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist located in West Edmonton. I help my clients relieve muscle aches, relieve period pain, and reclaim their lives. 

Are you ready for period pain relief? Book your first acupuncture treatment with me at my clinic in West Edmonton. 

If you still have questions about acupuncture treatments, check out my Frequently Asked Questions page or contact me. 


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